Duration Time Marches On - 6.0%



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Dry, bitter, light biscuit malt undertones, with floral hop aroma giving way to a light barnyard/hay/leather that will develop deeper over time. Enjoy this dry farmhouse beer with floral hop aroma, delicate bitterness, and a light biscuit malt undertone. Beautifully complex as a young beer to drink fresh or as time marches on look for more rustic barnyard depths of grass and leather bringing further complexity with age. De Garde translates as ‘to store’ but...

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Dry, bitter, light biscuit malt undertones, with floral hop aroma giving way to a light barnyard/hay/leather that will develop deeper over time. Enjoy this dry farmhouse beer with floral hop aroma, delicate bitterness, and a light biscuit malt undertone. Beautifully complex as a young beer to drink fresh or as time marches on look for more rustic barnyard depths of grass and leather bringing further complexity with age. De Garde translates as ‘to store’ but for how long is up to you.