Lost and Grounded Big Thaw 3 - 6.8%

Lost and Grounded


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The third rendition of Big Thaw, our collaboration with Burnt Mill and a West Coast-style IPA, 6.8%. We have used our classic Belgian/German Pil malt blend on this release with a light dose of Cara50 malt, then hopped with El Dorado, Citra, Chinook and a touch of Simcoe. It is tasting amazing and incredibly smashable even at 6.8% ABV with its fruitiness and bitterness to round it out. We are all very proud of this...

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The third rendition of Big Thaw, our collaboration with Burnt Mill and a West Coast-style IPA, 6.8%. We have used our classic Belgian/German Pil malt blend on this release with a light dose of Cara50 malt, then hopped with El Dorado, Citra, Chinook and a touch of Simcoe. It is tasting amazing and incredibly smashable even at 6.8% ABV with its fruitiness and bitterness to round it out. We are all very proud of this release, and even more so by continuing to work with Caring in Bristol, who are doing incredible work within the community through a number of projects combating homelessness to help support people sleeping rough while also helping to prevent and support people so they don’t end up on the street in the first place. £5 per case of Big Thaw 3 is being donated to Caring in Bristol.