Our Shiny New Web Shop is LIVE!
After a great deal of effort in the background we're really chuffed to be able to say our new web shop is live and stocked full of beer! If you can't wait to go and have a mooch around for yourself, click the button, otherwise stay tuned for a bumper load of new beers!
Neon Raptor have gone fruit bonkers with this Blackberry, Raspberry and Red Currant Imperial Lassi Gose. Massive Piranhas is 10% and you'd never know.... until it's too late. What could possibly go wrong?
Cloudwater are getting in the Xmas spirit with My Continuous Improvement #4. Chocolate and orange is a classic flavour combination, but rather than the ubiquitous confectionary orb, think a luxuriant dark chocolate mousse or silky torte infused with fresh, fragrant citrus flavours.
That's not all from those guys. Look out for this lot too!
From Neon Raptor hoppy goodies Naughty Luggage and Very Naughty Luggage, plus Retro Racer and Run Simcoe Run DIPA
Cloudwater also chip in with the returns of NZ hopped Pales A Wave In The Marlborough Sounds and The Windows Were Golden
More DEYA also hitting the shop this week with Glue IPA, Mind's Eye a brand new Pale, and fresh batches of Steady and Into The Haze.
Boot Town have just dropped in a heap of the latest batch of everyones favourite local nostalgia provider, Roobarb and Custard
S43 return with Pink Chimneys NEIPA & Trippin' on Azzaca DDH Pale Ale
That's not all for this week though, but it is for this newsletter. Keep an eye out later in the week for more news on gear from Polly's Brew Co, Pastore, Vault City, Howling Hops, Kees, Verdant, an ULTRA exclusive Barrel Aged beauty from Three Hills Brewing and a new one for us, Cocktails in a can from Mikropolis!