In 2016 we were excited to bring the blooming Beer Revolution to Northampton, and what a ride those 4+ years have been! We've had the pleasure of pouring some of the best beers the UK and beyond has to offer. We've seen the Craft Beer market change from packaging in 330ml bottles to 440ml cans as a standard. IPA has gone absolutely crazy with tastes shifting from bitter citrus & pine, to low bitterness juice bombs. Fruit sours have arrived bringing ALL the fruit and Lactose with them. We could go on! Suffice to say it's been a blast!
As the name of this piece suggests Beer Guerrilla is evolving. Not changing, evolving. 2020 has presented the biggest challenge in generations which we don't need to spell out and everyone has had to adapt. Back in March we quickly added a very basic web-shop to our website so that we could continue to get great beer out to all you lovely local people. It served it's purpose really well in the early days of a limited selection of mixed packs, but now is beginning to show some cracks as we attempt to use it for more and more items. It's slow, navigation is poor, in short the user experience leaves a lot to be desired. And we'd just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has continued to use it despite its limitations. We're eternally grateful. X .
But have no fear, an upgrade is coming! We've been working away in the background on a completely new site with all the bells and whistles you'd expect from a first class web-shop. It's great, we're really pleased with it and we know you will be too. In order to transition from old to new we will be taking down the old site on Sunday 1st Nov in order to do a full stock take and get everything ready to re-launch on Tuesday 3rd Nov. When you'll be able to access a site as wonderful as the beers you'll be able to buy on it! We'll soon be adding a few extra things on there as the weeks progress including Wine, Spirits, Cocktails, Merch, hell it'll be your one-stop Xmas drinkypoo's destination!
Part two, yes part two of our evolution, involves the shop itself. In truth this part of the evolution has been gradually happening for the past year or so. The introduction of Wine and Spirits to the Bar side of BG has been a real success. When we opened back in 2016 we were very much focused in being a Bottleshop first and Bar second, we are now very much 50/50. This means that our signage no longer reflected who we are, so it's gone. A new one's in it's place that shifts the focus away from 'just' beer. It's a design that many of you will already be familiar with and some of you even sport the T-Shirts!
Whilst we're still Beer Guerrilla at heart, (and online) on the Welly Rd we will simply be
Finally can we just add, it's been an absolute pleasure doing what we do for you all and we plan to continue doing so for years to come. But in order for that to happen the next 6 months is crucial. We will need your support more than ever, as will other small local businesses. So we'd just like to ask you to consider spending as much of your 'Xmas Pound' as you can with us and others like us, so we can all be here with you on the other side.
Much love, stay safe
Matt, Luke, Malcolm & Cherie X